5 Tips to Solve Your Internet Connection Issues From Your San Marcos TX Managed IT Service Providers
With the recent increase in usage of home devices, online gaming and video streaming devices, having a stable internet connection is more vital than ever before. If you have been having trouble with buffering on streaming services and unusually long wait times when connecting to web pages, the problem might be with your internet connection. A faulty internet connection can be frustrating, but it doesn’t have to ruin your day. There are a few strategies you can try out to ensure that your connection stays strong and consistent, allowing you to and enjoy browsing, streaming, and downloading without any headaches. Below, we’ll cover a few tips that can help you troubleshoot your internet connection issues and keep your devices online when you need them.
Unravel the Blinking Light
If your device can’t access the internet at all, the first thing to do is to check the LED indicators on your modem and router. If there are no lights on the indicators, then your device is probably unplugged or rather not connected to a power source. The only thing you need to do in this situation is to disconnect the devices reconnect them after a few minutes. Once the lights are on, your device should be working again. The LED lights indicate that the device is strongly connected to the internet.
Check the DHCP Settings
These settings typically allow computers to connect to a network more easily. As long as the DHCP is turned on, you do not necessarily have to operate the IP address manually. The automated settings ensure that you have access to the internet connection once you turn on your device, unlike the manual setups where you have to keep checking on the internet settings to get the device connected.
Update Your Firmware
A firmware is a piece of software that, among other things, handles a device’s support for routers, modems and other connected pieces of hardware. Recent advancements in technology have led to the development of quick, user-friendly firmware updates that can be easily downloaded on most devices. If your device’s connection issues persist after trying the suggestions above, check to see if it’s running the latest available firmware version. Firmware updates are an important part of a device’s security, and they often come with new features that can improve the device’s overall performance—including internet connection stability.
Use the Windows Network Diagnostics Tools
If you’re troubleshooting the connection of a Windows device, you can use built-in tools to run several tests that help diagnose the causes of network failure. Once all the possible causes are determined, the Windows diagnostics tools provide you with a list of solutions to your problems. Note that at the time of writing this article, these tools are only available on windows 7 to 10.
Scan for Viruses
In many cases, your internet connection may be affected by malicious viruses that invade your computer. Running a thorough scan for viruses and malware can often fix internet connection problems and overall system performance. If your device is affected by malware, then you will not only experience problems connecting to the internet, but also a host of other potential issues. Your personal data and security may also be compromised depending on the type of virus. If your scan reports any sort of malware on your device, consider hiring an IT technician to help you safely remove the dangerous files and keep your device safe—as well as connected to the internet.
In many cases, if you’re experiencing frustrating problems with your internet connection, the problem can be easily solved on your end. If issues persist, you may need to look into investing in higher performance equipment or a faster internet package from your service provider. Take the time to diagnose the problem and use the appropriate techniques to fix the issue. Calling your Internet Service Provider should be your last option after you have exhausted everything else.
Need Help from Managed IT Service Providers in San Marcos TX?
Are you still experiencing internet connection issues even after trying out all of the strategies listed above? Contact your San Marcos IT service providers at tekRESCUE for help. We’ll be able to determine the underlying cause of your connection issues and recommend a way to fix them for good!