What Enterprise Antivirus Software Does and Doesn’t Do From your IT Services and Cybersecurity Company in Austin TX
When starting or running a business, one would want to do everything they can to protect the valuable data on company computers and other devices used for work purposes. That is where enterprise antivirus software comes in. It can help protect the company and personal data that might be at risk if the business becomes the target of a cyber attack. A good enterprise antivirus software program can help protect sensitive data from all sorts of threats, including phishing attempts, trojans, worms, and other malware attacks. New types of viruses are introduced into the world every day, which is why it is necessary to always be protected. When protecting important information on company computers and networks, enterprise antivirus is the best solution for that problem.
Device Scanning: Humble Beginnings
Antivirus has improved and evolved since its creation. The original purpose of antivirus software was to scan every single file daily while running in the background to make sure there were not any infected files already on the device. Although this was a great way to secure a system at first, many malware creators found loopholes in the security system that made the antivirus software unable to detect and get rid of the infected code. On top of this, simply scanning existing files offered no way to protect against new files coming into the device or network. It took a long time before antivirus software truly became a game-changer in stopping malware.
Heuristic Scanning: The Game-Changer
One way in which antivirus software improved is the added capability of scanning both emails and downloads coming through any app connected to the internet. Now software security companies that offer antivirus protection have multiple security methods that make it difficult for someone to get access to personal data. The heuristic scan was the biggest game-changer in advancing antivirus software. This technological innovation has the capability of detecting new threats even if the software has never detected this type of threat before now. Although heuristic scanning can help protect someone from accidentally downloading a virus, it is not perfect. The heuristic might detect malware that is not malware. An example could be the heuristic flagging and reporting a new Apple update for the computer. While the heuristic is not perfect, it does make it easier to detect unwelcomed intrusions.
Compromised Devices & Inside Threats: The Weaknesses
Antivirus software offers protection for one’s data from many sides of the aisle, but there are some things it can’t protect the data from. One of the things antivirus software can’t protect from is compromised devices. If someone has an unprotected device and connects to a company’s WIFI or wired network, then the data on all connected devices could be compromised. Another thing the program can’t protect from is inside threats. The purpose of antivirus software is to protect from outside threats, not inside ones. If an employee decides to do a cyber-attack, or if a malicious actor obtains employee login credentials, then they could get access to the secure data from the inside. That is why it is very important to watch employees and their behaviors and educate them on best security practices.
Final Thoughts
Although even the best enterprise antivirus software is not perfect and can’t fully protect one’s business or personal files, it is the best thing available. Why take the chance of having information stolen when there are antivirus programs available to greatly reduce the risks? Anybody’s information can get stolen, and although no piece of software can magically protect against all possible threats, you can rest much easier knowing that a good antivirus program is doing its part to help protect your company’s valuable data around the clock.