Using Social Media For Your Business
The huge explosion of social media use has allowed individuals to stay connected with friends, family, and all sorts of social trends. However, while it seems that it was designed to help people burn time on their lunch breaks, the reality is that using social media as a strategic tool for your business could be the factor that helps you see exponential growth. Social media has so many different uses and access to wide spread data that many companies are even hiring designated social media managers to fully benefit from what it has to offer.
Creating a brand is way more than designing a symbol and putting it on hats and t-shirts to advertise your company. Having a platform that allows you to post visual representations of your company to a wide audience is huge for your brand. Every post should aesthetically, phyllisophically, and practically represent your company. You might think that it is not possible to hit all of these points in a simple social media post, but humans tend to stick with their initial impulse reaction to what they see, especially as they scroll online. Strategic brand representation is crucial for this reason.
Consumers want to feel connected with businesses they use. When you humanize your company by interacting with the people you are trying to reach, they are more likely to patronize your business. Even politicians have now taken to social media to post videos of them putting together ikea furniture and using an instant pot in order to allow voters to view them as more approachable and likable individuals. While it might seem unnecessary, this is an incredibly smart strategy that has been used by hollywood stars for years, and now businesses are using the exact same strategy. Because people thrive on validation, when individuals feel connected to your company, they are more likely to care about what it has to offer them.
Most people log into at least one of the top 3 leading social media sites (facebook, instagram, and snap chat) at least once a day. Good social media managing allows you to get real time data on who is actually interacting with your posts. This information is invaluable in knowing your market and adjusting accordingly. You need to know who you are actually reaching, and social media is one of the best ways to get an accurate representation of this.
With over one billion active social media users worldwide, this opens up a world of opportunity for advertisement. Most social media sites have algorithms that will allow you to advertise specifically to people who are most likely to have an interest in your product or services. Using google search patterns, other sites visited, videos watched, and products purchased, social media allows your business to cater advertisements to the right audience.
In addition to allowing you to stay connected to your audience, social media also allows you to stay connected to other events happening that involve your company, your competitors, or affect your market. The fastest way to keep track of the aggressively changing news cycle that we have now is through social media management. You want to know what innovations or concepts other companies are posting about, and you definitely want to know what your consumers are posting about. Social media is not going away any time soon, and for the sake of your business, that is a good thing! When used to its fullest potential, social media can be the resource that boosts your company’s capacity for success.