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[INFOGRAPHIC] Mobile Responsive Websites

A “responsive” website is one that rearranges itself to display optimally on any device or screen size. Since 2013, phone use rose by 78% while desktop use fell by 10%. Because of this, it is very important for businesses to keep up with the internet trend and make their site mobile responsive. The average person spends 20% of their day on their smartphone, which is about 2.8 hours a day!

Google uses mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal that affects all mobile searches worldwide so that users find it easier to get high quality results optimized for their devices. Also, 70% of mobile searches lead to action within one hour while it takes nearly a full month for the same percentage for desktop users to catch up.

Some of the additional benefits of having a mobile responsive site are:

  • Saves time
  • Save money
  • Wider Browser Support
  • Improves SEO
  • All pages available on every device
  • No need to zoom on smaller devices
  • One URL, One Code, All Devices
design, infographic, usability
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