Creating A Strong Email Campaign: Proper Tracking, Calls to Action, and Brand ConsistencySeptember 22, 2020Digital MarketingIn our previous article on creating a strong email campaign, we went over some strategies to craft enticing subject lines…Read More
Creating A Strong Email Campaign: Crafting Strong Content and HeadersSeptember 10, 2020Digital MarketingThere is a long list of things to consider when it comes to effectively creating an email campaign that elicits…Read More
Designing for The 4 Types of Web Traffic, Part 1January 26, 2018Digital MarketingDoes it matter where we come from to get to where we are today? When it comes to visitors to…Read More
A/B Testing: Conversion Rates And Data AnalyticsAugust 27, 2017Digital MarketingAds are made to generate business, at the end of the day. It can be hard to know which one…Read More
A/B Testing: Tracking Results Through Unique DomainsAugust 15, 2017Digital MarketingDo you remember the ad for Head-On? “Head-On–Apply directly to the forehead.” It likely qualifies among the top of the…Read More
How to Create an Effective Landing Page – Part 3July 16, 2017Digital MarketingYour landing page informs what your purpose, services or offerings are. It does this by walking them through the purpose…Read More
How to Create an Effective Landing Page – Part 2July 2, 2017Digital MarketingIn this series, we continue our look at what makes an effective landing page. We have previously gone over design…Read More
How to Create an Effective Landing Page – Part 1June 28, 2017Digital Marketing“First impressions are everything”, says the age old adage. When a customer visits your website’s homepage, they will immediately make…Read More
How Relevant Copy Can Improve Your Website’s PerformanceJune 5, 2017Digital MarketingWith the right copy backing up your website, you have given your content a fighting chance to actually command the…Read More
Conversion Rate Optimization and Why it’s NecessaryApril 17, 2017Digital MarketingWhat is Conversion Rate Optimization? Most people believe they need more traffic to their site in order to get more…Read More
Tips to Improve Your Squeeze PagesApril 27, 2016Digital MarketingThe squeeze pages you use for offers must be perfectly-executed if you wish to convert sales. There are six tips…Read More
Click-Through Rate & Bounce Rate for SEOMarch 4, 2016Digital MarketingSearch Engine Optimization is an ever-changing field, and we do our best to stay up with the latest trends and…Read More